Crystal Reiki Healing

Crystals are thought to be the most stable form of matter on earth. They hold energy and are able to work with the body’s energy field. Crystals are able to absorb, diffuse and shift the body’s energy. These healing stones vibrate depending on their composition and their color in relation to our own energy centers (chakras).

Crystal Reiki may support the alignment of our energy centers and clear our aura.

Lemurian Quartz & Smokey Quartz:

These beautiful quartz crystals are used in Reiki sessions to hold healing intentions and grounding.

Harnessing Healing


An energetic tool and presence that can help clear the way for our own body to naturally heal itself. It creates a deep relaxation to help encourage healing on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level while gently attaining balance in our lives.  A Reiki session is often experienced as an surrounding energy of love and can give a sense of wholeness. I combine sound vibrations and aromatherapy to enhance my Crystal Reiki healing practice.




Universal Life Energy)

Benefits of Crystal Reiki

Working with Reiki and crystal energy helps the body, mind and soul to find it’s natural rhythm and bring about harmony and balance.

Crystal Reiki is using Reiki light energy and the laying of specific vibrational healing stones on or around the body in order to help move energy. The crystals are used with focused intentions to enhance energy shifts. This is one of the many holistic approaches to healing because it addresses the whole system physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Four ways crystals are used:

  • Crystals are placed on chakras to dissolve or redirect blocked energy to help return the body to it’s natural balance.

  • Clients hold a specific crystal such as selenite to help absorb stress out of the body.

  • Crystal grids are created to help magnify the healing properties of the crystals and in turn supports with intention setting before a reiki session.

  • Crystals are placed in different areas of the room and around the body to fuse positive energies together to create a healing atmosphere. For example, rose quartz is used to promote more unconditional love for others and self.

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Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils derived from plants to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Certain oils align with particular chakras frequencies and when combined with Reiki it promotes a deeper healing session.

Aromatherapy benefits include alleviating pain from headaches, reducing anxiety & stress, soothing sore joints and improving sleep. Each oil carries an energy frequency and certain healing properties.

I use Young Living oil blends and
do Terra oils on the third eye, temples, feet and as a spritz around a client.

For example, I might use lavender oil or eucalyptus oil to enhance relaxation or a citrus spritzer to help one awake from a deep relaxed state.

There are several blends of essential oils I use to help promote balance and a sense of well-being.

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Sound Frequency Bed

My Sound Frequency Bed is a massage bed infused with transducers that play brainwave frequencies, sounds of nature or binary beats. These vibrations can be felt throughout the body when laying on the sound bed thus causing stagnate energy to flow. Some of the benefits of using the sound bed may include reduction of anxiety, fatigue, muscle tension, pain, headaches and even insomnia.

Brainwave Frequencies used:

Delta - deep dreamy sleep

Theta- meditation, extreme relaxation or light sleep

Alpha- awake but. Relaxed and calm

Beta- wide awake and alert

Gamma - associated with the formation of ideas, language memory processing, and learning

*Also, tracks of drumming, gongs and nature sounds are used for relaxing, journeying and processing emotions.