Let’s Connect!

Looking forward to connecting with you!
Sending you infinite love and gratitude.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

(219) 742-4648


To learn even more about Reiki please check out these resources:




Reiki Session

1 hour -$65.00

Crystal Reiki healing with sound therapy and Essential Oils.

*Fully clothed, as you settle into a comfortable position on the massage table, I’ll use a hand held crystal bowl to scan energy frequencies of your body while the vibes calm your nervous system. Then, I’ll gently place my hands on or slightly above your body, allowing the universal life force energy to flow through to your energy field. The warmth and soothing sensation of Reiki energy will envelop you, melting away tension and promoting a profound sense of peace.

In addition to traditional hand placements, I incorporate essential oils, crystals, and sound frequencies, intuitively selected to deepen relaxation and promote inner peace.

Allow yourself to release stress by embracing the healing energy of Reiki, combined with the support of crystal therapy and aromatherapy. Leave your session feeling uplifted, balanced and ready to embrace life with a renewed vitality.