My Journey

My name is Charlotte and I am an accredited Sound Healing Facilitator and Reiki Master. My journey began nine years ago by experiencing Reiki healing from a shamanic healer. By receiving regular treatments, I began to notice that my energy was restored and my body was more relaxed. Reiki was giving me a relief from my daily stresses and paving the way for better sleep. I found that my Reiki treatments made a big difference in how I performed at work and interacted with my family.

In 2019, I made a commitment to self care and chose to make time for my spiritual meditation practice. I started attending yoga classes, group meditations and even Heal Your Life workshops by Louise Hay held in Sedona AZ. I enjoyed traveling to spiritual retreats that in turn, inspired me to study energy healing. My life transformed from rushing, stressing and not sleeping well to feeling loved, relaxed and healthy. My health improved on all levels with having a feeling of calmness, clearer mind and better sleep. I also felt happier and more motivated.

 I signed up for Reiki training in Mt. Shasta, CA and then returned home to attain additional Reiki training with my shamanic healer. My training includes Harmonic Sound Healing with Simon Jay from Chicago, IL. where I have learned how sound frequencies can be used as a natural approach to healing. In Jay’s classes, I have learned how to use several instruments and how different tones change the energy within the body and aura. I continually strive to grow spiritually and learn different healing modalities.

We are all on a journey to discover our unique passion and purpose. I have found one of mine and I look forward to sharing it with others. I bring to you my training and experience of energy healing which includes Usui Reiki practices and Sound Therapy using tuning forks, crystal bowls, chimes, drums and a sound frequency bed.  

My desire is to provide you with powerful yet gentle healing energy that creates a state of deep relaxation to facilitate harmony and self healing.